Friday, August 21, 2020

Progressive Movement and Social Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dynamic Movement and Social Control - Essay Example In this dynamic time, aâ young man withâ greatâ politicalâ experienceâ becameâ theâ presidentâ ofâ Unitedâ Statesâ namedâ  Theodore Roosevelt. Atâ theâ ageâ ofâ fortyâ heâ becameâ theâ youngestâ presidentâ ofâ Unitedâ States. Theâ mainâ causeâ thatâ madeâ himâ well known wasâ hisâ policiesâ thatâ reflectedâ hisâ personalityâ asâ anâ activistâ andâ moralist.In thisâ progressiveâ period, aâ youngâ manâ withâ greatâ politicalâ experienceâ becameâ theâ presidentâ ofâ Unitedâ Statesâ namedâ  Theodore Roosevelt. Atâ theâ ageâ ofâ fortyâ heâ becameâ theâ youngestâ presidentâ ofâ Unitedâ States. Theâ mainâ causeâ thatâ madeâ himâ mainstream wasâ hisâ policiesâ thatâ reflectedâ hisâ personalityâ asâ anâ activistâ andâ moralist. Hisâ mainâ concernâ wasâ railroadâ regulationâ whichâ endedâ upâ withâ aâ compromiseâ betweenâ theâ twoâ positions. Hisâ greatestâ achievementâ wasâ toâ conserveâ America’sâ naturalâ asset. Heâ wonâ aâ nobleâ peaceâ prizeâ forâ negotiatingâ anâ endâ toâ Russo-Japaneseâ warâ andâ preservingâ openâ doorâ policyâ inâ China. Woodrow Wilson was theâ governorâ ofâ Newâ Jerseyâ andâ becameâ theâ presidentâ ofâ Unitedâ Statesâ inâ 1912. Heâ startedâ theâ Federalâ Reserveâ Actâ inâ 1913. Thisâ actâ providedâ theâ controlâ ofâ governmentâ overâ banking. Heâ alsoâ introducedâ Federalâ Tradeâ Commissionâ Actâ thatâ regulatedâ theâ tradeâ byâ takingâ commissionâ fromâ theseâ tradeâ companies. Heâ appointedâ commissionerâ toâ regulateâ theseâ tradesâ issues. Theâ appointmentâ ofâ theseâ commissionersâ wasâ notâ likedâ byâ progressives. Theâ progressivismâ wasâ exploitedâ mostlyâ byâ theâ whiteâ men. Womenâ wereâ theâ victimsâ ofâ progressivism. Thisâ resultedâ inâ theâ launchâ ofâ Nationalâ Womenâ Partyâ  whichâ foughtâ againstâ womenâ testimonial. Blackâ wereâ alsoâ theâ sufferersâ ofâ progressivism. Richâ peopleâ wereâ exploitingâ poorâ andâ hamperingâ culturalâ ethicsâ byâ makingâ wrongâ useâ ofâ progressivism. Butâ aboveâ allâ itsâ drawbacksâ progressiveâ reformâ developedâ theâ culture, way of life, newâ tradeâ methodsâ andâ muchâ moreâ headways. Theâ governmentâ becameâ moreâ responsibleâ towardsâ theâ economicâ andâ socialâ government assistance. Middleâ classâ peopleâ becameâ more consciousâ towardsâ theirâ rightâ inâ theâ society. Theâ bankingâ procedureâ wasâ changedâ andâ gotâ underâ theâ controlâ ofâ government. Progressivismâ preservedâ theâ capitalistâ framework. Progressivismâ introducedâ manyâ democraticâ ideasâ fromâ differentâ partsâ ofâ theâ society. Thisâ wasâ theâ endâ ofâ nineteenthâ centuryâ andâ progressivismâ wasâ theâ majorâ reformâ ofâ thisâ century.

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