Sunday, July 5, 2020

How Course Helped Me In Improving My Essay Writing Skills - 825 Words

How The Course Helped Me In Improving My Essay Writing Skills (Essay Sample) Content: Mahdi B AlajmiLecturerENG 2051st May 2017Reflective Essay on my WritingThere has been a marked improvement in my writing this year. By undertaking this class, several aspects of my writing have improved. I have learned how to organize my essay, include a strong thesis, cite my sources and revise my overall work to ensure the absence of mistakes. Nevertheless, my writing is still subject to improvement. This essay talks about the strategies I have used to revise my work this year, the improvements and possible improvements in my writing and includes details that demonstrate my improvement.The strategies I employ in the revision of my work include content, style and structure. During the revision of my work, first I go through the structure of my essay. Usually, I do this by reading my essay out loud. Revising the structure helps ensure that my essay follows the required structure. After that, I revisit the contents of my essay to make sure they are relevant to the topi c. At this point, I correct any mistakes in the essay in addition to strengthening my points and thesis. Finally, I go through my essay to define the style of writing about the instructions of the essay. Here, I make sure the arrangement of my points and prose is on point. These strategies of revision of my essay help me revise my essay faster and comprehensively to make my final draft the best it can be.My writing has also improved in many ways this year. First, I have enhanced the speed of my writing through the use of pre-writing techniques. Whereas I was taking ages to conjure the initial draft of my essay, using preparation techniques has downsized that time to minutes. Secondly, I have improved the presentation of my points. I now know how to include a strong thesis, topic sentences and a summarizing conclusion. Furthermore, in have learned how and where to include citations and paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism. Finally, I have learnt how to revise my work to ensure my final e ssay is free of basic errors. Acquiring these writing skills has made me a better writer in general.I would, however, like to think my writing can still further improve. To achieve this, I would need to employ a few strategies. First, I should practice writing all the time. Writing my essays during my free time will only sharpen my writing skills in the future. I can start a blog which would help me present my writing to a real life audience. This would help me get honest feedback on my writing that would raise my writing ability. Also, I should get more help from my lecturer and the library materials. This would increase my knowledge of writing and various writing skills. With these notions in mind, I believe I can take my writing to the next level.After taking this class, I firmly believe my writing has improved. As Benjamin Franklin said," Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." This quotation enables me to use the words of another person in my essay without plagiarizing his work. This marks an improvement in my writing skills. It is important to write the essay first for criticism later. This ensures one cover more ground in a short time span (Muse, 2012). The in-text citation he...

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